Top Tip 3!

Hello guys! It’s been a long time since we posted a top tip, so let’s go in with a big one.

Are you waiting eagerly for the next Java tutorial?

Do you feel addicted to Java?

We have a website for you. is a site dedicated to the teaching of all versions of Java, for many different purposes. If you want more Java, come here. They cover material we could never cover. Does the thing you want to learn have the word “Java” in the title? They’ve got it!

Also, courses such as game development and the development of Java Applets which we will only touch on in this course, so it can act as an exemplary extension course to our material.

Finally, do you speak Spanish? If so, you will love this site. It has a Spanish and English version. Just what all you Spanish learners need.

So, go to this site, and your Java world will get a bit bigger.

Take me to (English)

Take me to (Spanish)

Ethan Marshall

A programmer who, to preserve his sanity, took refuge in electrical engineering. What an idiot.

First Published 2018-06-03

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